Lässt sich die Stromzähler-PIN durch Brute-Force Attacke hacken?

Welches meinst du? Das py steht doch mehrmals im Thread.
Aber hier für dich nochmal:


# Brute-force the PIN of a smartmeter with a USB-IR-read-write-head.

# Install package pyserial with:
# python3 -m pip install pyserial

import datetime
import time
import serial

# parameters for serial port
COM_PORT = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
str100ms = b'\x00' * int(BAUDRATE * 0.01)

def make_pulse():
    # write data that needs 100 ms to transmit.
    # wait 100 ms until transmitted and 100 ms as pause.

def get_message_length():
    old = 0
    new = ser.in_waiting
    if new > 0:
        # wait as long as data is received.
        # we only want complete data messages.
        while old < new:
            old = new
            new = ser.in_waiting
        old = 0
        new = 0

    # wait until data is received.
    while old == new:
        old = new
        new = ser.in_waiting

    # wait as long as data is received.
    while old < new:
        old = new
        new = ser.in_waiting

    return new

def read_last_number_from_file(filename):
    # Read the last number from a file
    # return the initial number (-1) if the file does not exist
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            # read the last line of the file
            last_line = f.readlines()[-1]
            # split the line on the tab character
            date_str, number_str = last_line.split('\t')
            # return the number as an integer
            return int(number_str)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return -1

def write_number_to_file(filename, number_str, timestamp):
    # Write a number and timestamp to a file
    with open(filename, 'a') as f:
        # write the number and timestamp to the file

# read the last number from the file "number.txt"
last_number = read_last_number_from_file("number.txt")

# open serial port
ser = serial.Serial(COM_PORT, BAUDRATE, timeout=0.5, inter_byte_timeout=0.1)

# get next data message length
print('Waiting for reference message...')
ref_msg_len = get_message_length()
print('Reference message length is ' + str(ref_msg_len) + ' bytes')

# iterate through the numbers from last_number + 1 to 9999
for num in range(last_number + 1, 10000):
    # convert the number to a string and pad it with leading zeros
    number = format(num, '04d')
    print('Testing PIN=' + number + '...')

    # flash the LED to start a new number with the display test.
    # flash the LED to go to PIN input.

    # iterate through the digits of the number
    for digit in number:
        # blink the LED for the appropriate number of times
        for i in range(int(digit)):

        # pause for 3 seconds between digits

    # get next data message length
    msg_len = get_message_length()
    print('received ' + str(msg_len) + ' bytes')
    if msg_len > ref_msg_len:
        # message length got bigger because of new additional data = PIN was correct
        # output the PIN to the console
        number = 'PIN=' + number
        # write the PIN number to the file "number.txt" with the current date and time
        write_number_to_file("number.txt", number, datetime.datetime.now())

    # write the number to the file "number.txt" with the current date and time
    write_number_to_file("number.txt", number, datetime.datetime.now())

# close serial port

vielen Dank. Ich hab' mit meinem Iskra EHZ angefangen:

Auf dem Display vom Iskra EHZ verändert sich nicht.

Bin ich auf den richtigen Weg? Wenn die Pin gefunden ist, schreibt es direkt in eine Datei?

Wenn du die Eingabe der PIN nicht auf dem Display siehst, stimmt was mit deiner Sendediode nicht. Evtl auch mit dem Timing (aber dann solltest du iregdnwas sehen).

Ich selbst benutze dieses Script nicht, ich habe das mit etwas eigenem auf einem esp gemacht. Da ich meine PINs aber hatte auch das nur als POC.